Dissertation / Projects Proposals (2015/2016)
Embedded Networked Sensing Systems (WSN)
- HumsatGWY - Raspberry-based satellite gateway for environmental WSN application E/R
- PrintooWSN - Prototyping WSN with Printoo E/R
- SADUM - Sensor Application Development Using Modulus E/R/I
- RTSense - Improving Real-Time Characteristics of Wireless Sensor Networks E
- AlertSense - Detecção de Eventos em Área Restrita Usando Redes de Sensores E
Real-Time Embedded Systems
- iFRTOS - Improving FreeRTOS features E/R/I
- RTPowerOS - Real-Time Power Aware Operating System for Small Embedded Systems E
- RTCore - Exploiting Muti-Core Architectures for Real-Time E
- AppGym - Applying Embedded Systems and Sensor Technologies to Trampoline Gymnastics E
- AidDis - Embedded Systems In The Aid of People with Motor Disabilities E
Home and Small Office Networking
Heterogeneous Networking
- DTN - Making Tagus Mesh Network tolerant to disruption R
- TMLS - Experiments with MPLS over the Tagus Mesh Network R
System Modules
- ARMoteIST - New Sensortag based on ARM SoCs (CC2538 & CC2650)
- SDR4Sensors - Desenvolvimento de um radio SDR de baixo consumo para redes de sensores E
- PEPEinSPACE - Over-the-air interaction with the PEPE emulation system E
- RFPort - Soluções de RF para MoteIST E