SARDA - Service Augmented Resource Description Architecture
Project Description: A service discovery system for wireless sensor networks based on the Resource Description Language.
Overview: The technological breakthroughs on Embedded Systems and the necessity to interconnect them, recurring to wireless communications technologies gave birth to a new system concept: wireless sensor networks. Each network node, composed of a wide array of sensors/actuators, microcontrollers and wireless network interface is specially characterized by its small size and low power consumption. These nodes are able to cooperatively solve complex problems. Given the typical functionalities these networks provide, and the high number of nodes that generally compose it, it is desirable to have a data centric network paradigm, instead of the address centric paradigm typically used. Service discovery follows this paradigm. In this system, each node publishes their capabilities to the network as a service list. The other nodes can then search the available services and subscribe them, if it meets their requirements, establishing a link between them. RDL - Resource Description Language – is an architecture developed at IT/IST which allows the description of resources and services uniformly. Its utilization on a service discovery system is therefore only natural.
Objectives: It’s intended to build a system where the nodes advertise (or register, at a certain point) their capabilities, which can later be searched or subscribed.
Active Period: September 2009 - November 2010
Project Funding: Gems
Partners: Gems
- Miguel Barroso; "SARDA: A Service Discovery Approach For Wireless Sensor Networks", Master's Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico / Technical University of Lisbon, November 2010
- Miguel D. Barroso, Rui M. Rocha; "Service Augmented Resource Description Architecture", in Proceedings of 1st Portuguese Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, March 2011