Funded Projects @ GEMS

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Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications

Period: Jan. 2008 - Dec. 2010

Funding: IST Programme (European Commission)


Objective: NEWCOM++ is the acronym of a proposed Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications, submitted to Call 1 of the VII Framework Program under the Objective ICT-2007.1.1: The Network of the Future, mainly in its target direction “Ubiquitous network infrastructure and architectures”.
The fundamental premise behind NEWCOM++ can be summarized as follows:

  1. Despite of the fact that the European space already includes very strong research groups in many of the scientific areas commonly and collectively described as wireless communications, the landscape does suffer from symptoms of thematic fragmentation, lack of coordination on a large scale, under-funding and lack of a critical mass in certain vital areas, symptoms wich may prevent Europe from being the envisioned and desired leader at the international scene;
  2. The research challenges posed by the target outcome “Ubiquitous network infrastructure and architectures” are by their very nature very complex and interdisciplinary, thus requiring a fully committed and large-scale collaboration between strong research groups in different disciplines, a collection that can hardly be found at a single institution/country;
  3. The NEWCOM NoE, funded in FP6 and ended on February 28, 2007, has successfully put in motion an effective integration mechanism between these spatially scattered research entities, thus enabling a process which, however, could not be fully materialized in the three years of its operation (as opposed to the original 5-year plan). Therefore, the main manner by which NEWCOM++ intends to promote solutions to the abovementioned problems and challenges is by creating a trans-European virtual research centre linking a proper number of leading European research groups in a highly integrated, carefully harmonized, cooperative fashion. This new collection of groups will focus on a carefully tailored joint program of activities including integration, joint research and spreading of excellence, to be detailed in Section B1.3.

GEMS contribution: Contribution on routing and transport layer protocols and middleware for opportunistic networks.

GEMS team: Rui Rocha, Luis Pedrosa, Manuel Ferreira, Jorge Soares

Partners: ISMB (IT), Bilkent (TR), Technion (IL), NKUA-IASA (GR), CNIT (IT), UPC (ES), CTTC (ES), IST-TUL (PT), CNRS (FR), CEA-LETI (FR), LNT-TUM (DE), RWTH (DE), UCL (BE), FTW (AT), PUT (PL), Chalmers (SE), AAU (DK)


WP.R11: Opportunistic Networks

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Intelligent Home Networking

A Distributed middleware for an Automated Service-oriented Home

Period: June. 2008 - March. 2009

Funding: LEMe


Objective: To develop a distributed middleware architecture for applications and devices to seamlessly interoperate creating an automated home with service discovery facilities.

GEMS contribution:

GEMS team: Pedro Rebelo


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An All-Wireless Mobile Network Architecture

Period: Jan. 2006 - Dec. 2008

Funding: IST Programme (European Commission)


Objective: To design, implement, and experimentally validate a wireless mesh network as an all-wireless interconnection architecture based on advanced wireless transmission techniques, mesh networking, cross-layer optimisation, and mechanisms for seamless mobility. Such a wireless network must be self-organising to maximise the network capacity and capabilities. The project will develop a suitable measurement methodology and set up experimental prototypes to validate the proposed concepts.

GEMS contribution: Service Discovery for community based wireless mesh networks.

GEMS team: Rui Rocha, Pedro Fernandes

Partners: Université Pierre et Marie Curie (FR), Siemens AG (DE), Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia (ES), Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (FR), Instituto de Telecomunicações - Lisbon & Aveiro sites (PT), Center For Research And Technology Hellas (GR), Swisscom Innovations (CH), Thomnson SA (FR)

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CReating Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing Environments

Period: Jan. 2006 - Dec. 2007

Funding: IST Programme (European Commission)


Objective: CRUISE intends to be a focal point in the planning and coordination of research on communication and application aspects of wireless sensor networking in Europe. It brings together a diverse group of partners who will integrate their expertise and knowledge gained in projects on related fields. CRUISE partners share the vision of ubiquitous intelligent sensing environments and are convinced that a NoE in this field is necessary, taking into account the benefits that sensor networks have to offer to European society and the current weakness and fragmentation in this field in Europe.

GEMS contribution: Contribution on scenarios and transport protocols issues related with sensor networks.

GEMS team: Rui Rocha, Rui Neves, Luis Pedrosa

Partners: CERTH (IT), CSEM (CH), CIT (IR), FTRD lab (FR), FOKUS (DE), FTW (AT), EUR (FR), ICCS (GR), IT (PT), KCL (UK), NIT (PL), STU (SL), TUD (DE), UC3M (ES), UC (ES), UniFi (IT), MTRC (DE), UCY (CY), UoR (IT), UniS (UK), UO (FI), RWTH (DE), VTT (FI), CEA (FR), DUT (NL), UVEG (ES), UKBH (DK), JKU (AT), EgeU (TR), UNIBO (IT), UniCT (IT)


To identify and define the main research challenges related to the design of the energy aware sensor network protocols for media access layer, routing, and transport layer, for hierarchical and multi-hop networks.
Study and analyse the main research challenges related to mobility and security aspects in sensor networks. Establish key requirements for self-organization and routing in sensor networks which involve mobility of sensor nodes or mobility of sink nodes.