Overboard @ Expansion Module for Actuation on WSN devices
Period: Set. 2010 - Set. 2011
URL: http://leme.tagus.ist.utl.pt/gems/PmWiki/index.php/Education/OverBoard
The objective of this thesis is the design and implementation of an actuator's interface compatible with several types of motes. The fulfillment of this objective is made under the following specifications:
- Compatibility with MoteIST, MicaZ and Iris motes;
- Ability to control the most common actuators used in Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN);
- Ability to control, through automation protocols, actuators not connected directly to the board;
- The Overboard must be portable;
- Flexibility in the use of the available applications;
User Guide
- 20/05/2012 - User Manual (pdf version)
- 20/05/2012 - Schematics (pdf version)
- 20/05/2012 - Software (pdf version)
GEMS contribution: n/a
GEMS team: Sérgio Teixeira
Related Work: MoteIST++ - A Hardware Platform for Wireless Sensor Nodes
Current status: Concluded.