Project Description
An high-efficiency opportunistic routing protocol for WSNs, using an any-sink, node->sink communication model, with no other infrastructure. Main features:
- Delay-based routing
- Multi-factor routing metric
- Built-in time synchronization and radio power management
- QoS support, with support for both urgent and delay-tolerant traffic
Active Period: 2008-2010
GEMS team: Jorge M. Soares
- Jorge M. Soares; "CHARON: Convergent Hybrid-Replication Approach to Routing in Opportunistic Networks", Master's Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico / Technical University of Lisbon, October, 2009
- Jorge M. Soares, Rui M. Rocha; "CHARON: Routing in Low-Density Opportunistic Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proceedings of The 2nd IFIP Wireless Days Conference, 2009. WD '09, December 2009
- Jorge M. Soares, Wansheng Zhang, Mirko Franceschinis, Maurizio A. Spirito, Rui M. Rocha; "Experimental and Analytical Performance Evaluation of a Real Opportunistic Wireless Sensor Network", in Proceedings of Future Network & Mobile Summit 2010, June 2010
- Jorge M. Soares, Wansheng Zhang, Mirko Franceschinis, Maurizio A. Spirito, Rui M. Rocha; "Test-bed Implementation For Evaluating And Deploying Heterogeneous Opportunistic WSNs", presented at the NEWCOM++ 2010 Dissemination Day, June 2010
- Jorge M. Soares, Mirko Franceschinis, Rui M. Rocha, Wansheng Zhang, Maurizio A. Spirito; "Opportunistic Data Collection in Sparse Wireless Sensor Networks", in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2011, Article ID 401802, 20 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/401802

- Testbed demo: A video presentation that shows the CHARON experimental testbed.
- IST-ISMB Joint Experiments - Tram: Short video of the tram experiment that took place at ISMB, under the NEWCOM++ project.
- IST-ISMB Joint Experiments - Rotating Arm: Short video of the rotating arm experiment that took place at ISMB, under the NEWCOM++ project.