Task Details:

Goal: The RDL - Resource Description Language is a framework, designed and developed within the Instituto de Telecomunicações and the Instituto Superior Técnico. This system provides a uniform language to describe resources, allowing them to be shared within nodes (enabling cross-layering) or within networks of nodes (allowing nodes to opportunistically share resources).

While the RDL specification, in its current state, already provides a considerable amount of detail, enough to have already led to the development of an initial reference implementation (in Java), certain aspects of the specification have not been covered in full detail. Furthermore, the implementation, as is, only covers a part of the specification, leaving other parts for future development. Taking this into consideration, this project has the following goals:

  1. Reformulate the RDL specification to define the RDL as a formal language. This includes:
    • Removing the concept of communities.
    • Clearly and unambiguously specifying the difference between scalar-resources and service-resources.
    • Changing the XML representation into the official format.
    • Changing the KLV representation as a recognized and standardized compact representation.
    • Using the current reference implementation as a starting point, specify the resource matching algorithm in full detail.
    • Prepare the RDL specification as an IETF Draft.
  2. Complete the reference implementation:
    • Update according to any changes in the specification.
    • Implement currently unimplemented parts:
      • Services
      • Scopes
  3. Develop a web launchable example application that allows users to fully explore the RDL's features within an easy to use GUI:
    • Build RDL graphically using tree-like input interface.
    • Import external RDL files.
    • Generate formal RDL (XML), KLV, and HTML (for viewing in a browser).