How To Install TinyOS 2.0 with MoteIST in Ubuntu 14 and 16


Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Download the zip file in the svn repository with the name "". Or go to the Download Section of this page.
Extract the zip file and then run "install" file. (to run on the terminal type this "./install")

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Download the zip file in the svn repository with the name "". Or go to the Download Section of this page.
Extract the zip file and then run "install" file. (to run on the terminal type this "./install") If you can not install the problem is in the installation Makefile that is inside the "".
The JRE 6/7 (Java Runtime Environment) and the JDK 6/7 (Java Development Kit) repositories does not exist for this Ubuntu version, so you have to manually add it.

Instructions for JRE 6/7 and JDK 6/7 installation in Ubuntu 16

In the terminal type the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer oracle-java7-installer default-jdk (this command will take several minutes)

For the TinyOS to work with the java commands like SerialForward, Listen, Print, etc, you have to switch the java version, to do this, type the following command:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

and choose the version 7.

Available commands

After a successful installation there are new available commands.
This commands are just a wrap around of the classic TinyOS commands, feel free to check and change the ".bash_aliases" file that is located in your home folder.
Remember this file is hidden so to see it you have two options:

In the Ubuntu file manager (aka nautilus), go to your home folder and press CTRL+H, and the hidden files are now visible.


In your terminal type:

cd ~ (to go to your home folder)
ls -l (this command shows all file, including hidden file, in your terminal)

".bash_aliases" file can be open in any text editor program (nano, vi, vim, gedit, ...)


All commands start with tinyos word prefix

  • tinyosjavaversion
    this command changes the java version
  • tinyosmake <platform>
    this compiles the tinyos program
    tinyosmake micaz
    tinyosmake moteist
  • tinyosmote <platform> <node id> <USB port number>
    this uses the previous compiled program and flash it into the microcontroller
    tinyosmote micaz 0 0
    tinyosmote moteist 2 2
  • tinyosmakeclean
    removes the build folder
  • tinyosmakememory <platform>
    checks the memory stack usage
    tinyosmakememory micaz
    tinyosmakememory moteist
  • tinyosmakestack-check <platform>
    compiles and checks the memory stack usage
    tinyosmakestack micaz
    tinyosmakestack moteist
  • tinyosusb
    shows the connected mib programmers
  • tinyosusbpermission
    if you can not flash the microcontroller, run this command to change the writing permissions
  • tinyossim <platform> <python file name>
    if your program uses the gdb( string ) printing commands, this compiles and run the python script
    tinyossim micaz
    tinyossim moteist
  • tinyosprintf <USB port number> <platform or baud rate number>
    if your program uses the printf component, you can use this command to see the messages in the terminal
    tinyosprintf 0 micaz
    tinyosprintf 1 9600
    tinyosprintf 2 moteist
  • tinyosserial <USB port number> <platform or baud rate number>
    runs the Serial Forwarder java program
    tinyosserial 0 micaz
    tinyosserial 1 9600
    tinyosserial 2 moteist
  • tinyoslisten <USB port number> <platform or baud rate number>
    runs the Listen java program (only prints the raw message in Hexadeciamal)
    tinyoslisten 0 micaz
    tinyoslisten 1 9600
    tinyoslisten 2 moteist

If the above commands are type without any arguments, it will show you more info about them.
